Wedding Information: Colour Scheme Tips

Hi! My name is Candice. This is my personal guide about wedding planning, wedding expos, dresses, make-up, hair, websites, venues, honeymoons and all the other vital information one needs to know to ensure that everything goes according to plan before the big day.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Colour Scheme Tips

One of the first things to be done of course is to choose the theme or colour scheme for the wedding. My fiancée happens to be particularly conservative in this area whereas I like a bit of colour - I wasn't looking forward to choosing a colour scheme - I thought it would take a lot of negotiating. I mentioned to my fiancée that perhaps we needed to go to a fabric store and look at all the colours to choose a colour scheme we both liked. Immediate reaction from him was a glazing over of the eyes - I'm sure that's exactly what he wanted to do - spend hours in a fabric store looking at 3000 shades of blue, green, red etc etc.

In a moment of clarity I decided instead to nip down to the local hardware store instead and grabbed all the latest interior paint colour brochures. Perfect if you are looking for a modern feel to the wedding and the brochures are already organised in themes including corresponding contrasting and highlighting colours.

When I got home it took us less than 5 minutes to choose the perfect colour scheme. AND he loves it too - as soon as he saw the paint charts he became instantly involved - no glazed eyes!

Also, we now have paint cards in our colour that we can hand out to everyone from florists to cake decorators to the mother of the bride so that they are able to match everything they need exactly to the colour that we want.

MUCH more fun than sorting through reams of coloured fabric at a fabric store.