Wedding Information: Handfasting Vows

Hi! My name is Candice. This is my personal guide about wedding planning, wedding expos, dresses, make-up, hair, websites, venues, honeymoons and all the other vital information one needs to know to ensure that everything goes according to plan before the big day.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Handfasting Vows

"Handfasting" is actually the phrase used in Scotland and Northern England to refer to betrothal. The idea that it was a ceremony which bound the couple for a year and a day was introduced by Sir Walter Scott, not exactly the most historically accurate writer. Still, due to the level of interest in this type of ceremony, I have included a few links to sites which deal with modern handfasting rituals.

I, _______________, take you, ________________, in marriage
To be my life partner, To walk, run, and dance this new path together,
To love, care and share,
To let the winds dance between us,
Let the fires burn within us,
And the waters flow through us,
On our sacred journey together.
With this ring may a new consciousness begin,
With this ring I thee wed,
With my hearts' faithful affections,
And my love to you,__________________.


I, _______________, am asking you, ________________,
to join me as my life partner, once again,
as I travel on the sacred path to higher consciousness.
I give to you from my heart,my pledge of truthfulness, commitment, and the freedom to soar as high as the birds, as we learn to love each other, love our family, and love Gaia, the earth.
With this ring I give to you a reminder of your strength and your vision, as symbolized by the eagle.
I open to you my heart, to give and to feel the great joy and happiness, as we join together as husband and wife.
Sheesh! ok well not quite my cup of tea.