Wedding Information: Tie the knot QNA

Hi! My name is Candice. This is my personal guide about wedding planning, wedding expos, dresses, make-up, hair, websites, venues, honeymoons and all the other vital information one needs to know to ensure that everything goes according to plan before the big day.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tie the knot QNA

Q.I am having an outdoor, semiformal wedding. I am wondering if it is necessary (and proper) to have a wedding program. My fiance does not want one, and I personally don't care. What is the best thing to do?

A.It's not mandatory to have a program. They're nice mementos for guests and are good places to list who's in your wedding party, thank parents and other important people, and explain any ceremony traditions guests may not be familiar with. They can be as simple as one page printed out from your computer, if the time and effort involved is what's making you hesitate. But they are not necessary, so the choice of whether to do one is up to you. If you don't want one, don't worry about it.